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Busting Myths About Dry Ice

Busting Myths About Dry Ice

Dry ice is a substance that has captivated imaginations with its unique properties and captivating visual effects. However, like many intriguing subjects, misconceptions, and myths have sprung up around it. As the solid form of carbon dioxide, dry ice is widely known for its intense cold and dense, fog-like vapor. But beyond its enchanting qualities, various misconceptions have taken root, often obscuring the true facts about its properties, uses, and potential hazards. Unraveling these myths is essential to safely and effectively harness the power of dry ice for a multitude of purposes.

Myth 1) Dry ice can be thrown away in the trash or a sink.

False. You should never throw dry ice away in your trash can or sink, especially if it is indoors. Since dry ice produces carbon dioxide, the gas can accumulate and even cause a pressure build up. Which could damage your piping/sewage and can cause harm if you breathe the concentrated gases in.

Myth 2) You can handle and move dry ice with bare hands.

False. Dry ice cannot be handled without proper protection. Dry ice has a temperature of -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact with skin can cause damage like burns or even frostbite within a very short amount of time.

 Myth 3) Dry ice can be consumed by people

False. Dry ice should never be consumed by humans or any animals. It can cause damage to internal tissue and can lead to a dangerous build-up of pressure. Keep dry ice away from any pets. If you are consuming a drink chilled with dry ice, make sure the dry ice isn't free floating and is contained by something.

Myth 4) Dry ice will turn into a puddle when it melts.

False. Dry ice releases the gas carbon dioxide when it breaks down so there is no puddle or any residue at all left over. Just carbon dioxide, which is why it is best to dispose of unwanted dry ice in a well-ventilated area.

Myth 5) Dry ice will melt slower in a freezer or cold environment

False. Dry ice melts as it comes into contact with fresh air. So throwing it in an air tight freezer would eventually lead to an explosion or at least opening the door. The best way to store dry ice would be to wrap it in something like a blanket and place in a container with the lid cracked.

Myth 6) Dry ice will make my plants grow faster.

True. Dry ice placed near plants in small amounts for 10-15 minutes a day can help them to grow faster. Exposing them to higher levels of carbon dioxide can accelerate the photosynthesis process. 

If you have any questions on dry ice or would like to get pricing on our dry ice, fill out our contact form on

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